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Saturday, March 07, 2020

Kubectl Basic Commands

kubectl (Kube Controller / Command Line tool) basic command cheat sheet

kubectl run hello-minikube --> to deploy an application
kubectl cluster-info --> get information about cluster
kubectl get nodes --> get information about the nodes
  kubectl get nodes -o wide --> get detailed info of nodes.
kubectl config view  --> get config details of the cluster
kubectl run hello-world --image=hello-world -->  (download hello-world container from docker and deploy on a pod)
kubectl get pods --> view the available pods on the node
kubectl describe pods --> gives more details of the pod i.e; node on which pods and image is available, etc.
kubectl describe pod POD_ID --> details of a specific pod
kubectl create -f pod-def.yml --> creates a pod as per the definition in pod-def.yml
kubectl delete pod

kubectl edit pod --> can edit the yaml file of the pod
kubectl create -f replicationcontroller.yml   --> creates replication controller with number of pods as that of replicas in the yml file     
kubectl get replicationcontroller  --> lists the replication controller details 

kubectl get replicaset--> lists the replicaset details
kubectl replace -f replicaset.yml   --> replace with the updated yml file
   kubectl scale --replicas=4 -f replicaset.yml -->
          To dynamically scale replicas, without updating the yml, scale command can be used. This wont update the base yaml file and will potentially loose this config.
   kubectl scale --replicas=4 replicaset REPLICASET_NAME 

       eg: kubectl scale --replicas=4 -f replicaset repset

kubectl delete replicaset repset  --> repset is the name of the replicaset
kubectl get all  --> display all the pods, replicasets, deployments etc;
kubectl get deployments --> displays the details of deployments
kubectl apply -f DEPLOYMENT_YAML_FILE.YML  --> apply any deployment changes
kubectl set image deployment/myapp hello-world  --> onverride the image in the existing deployment
kubectl rollout status deployment/app   --> deployment status
kubectl rollout history deployment/app  --> view deployment revisions
kubectl rollout undo deployment/app  --> rollback the deployment
kubectl create -f deployment.yml --record --> records the change cause of deployment which can be seen with the history command
kubectl get services     --> view services eg: nodeport service

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