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Sunday, April 19, 2020

OAuth and OpenId Connect (OIDC)

After few days of confusion around this topic, I finally decided to put together my understanding about Oauth2 and OpenId Connect. This may help give you a basic understanding and overview of the basic terminology and flow.

Thanks to Nate Barbettini for his wonderful sessions on Oauth and OIDC. One sample url below -

**Some of the diagrams in this document are from Nate's video

To start with, would like to mention couple of key things around OAuth and OIDC.
  1. OAuth is an authorization protocol and not recommended to directly use for Authentication.
  2. OIDC / OpenId Connect is an identity layer around OAuth to support authentication flow

Typical OAuth2.0 Flows -
  •     Authorization Code Flow (Involves front-end and back-end)
  •     Implicit Flow (purely client side)
  •     Resource Owner Password Credentials
  •     Client Credentials (purely server-side)
Will try to elaborate on the Authorization Code Flow and Implicit Flows in the next sections.

OAuth2.0 Authorization Code Flow

Below is a simple example of OAuth2.0 authorization code flow, with all the bold lines indicating the front-end flow and the dotted lines indicating the back-end server side invocations.

    OAuth2 Authorization Flow

The flow also introduces some of the key terminology of OAuth protocol (Terminology in Blue and Bold). Flow Description -
  • Client, which is the an entry point to the flow (eg: web browser), initiates authorization call to an Authorization server.
  • As a part of Authorization request, a redirect uri (uri to be redirected after successful authorization, response type (whether the request is for a auth code or identify token, etc.) and scope of the data to be allowed with the authorization code are specified.
  • Authorization server verifies the customer and redirects to a consent window, prompting the Resource Owner (end user) to review and provide consent for the server/application being used (eg: Yelp in this example) to access the profile and contacts.
  • Once the resources owner provides the consent, the authorization server, redirects the request to the redirect uri/callback url with Authorization Code in response.
  • The callback url typically initiates a process on server, which can use the authorization code to exchange for the scoped data.
  • The server does exchange the Authorization code with the Authorization server to get the Access Token, which is required to query for the required data. This data exchange uses a secret key know to the back-end server and authorization server only so as to ensure the security of the application.
  • Using the access token provided by Authorization server, the back-end server, queries the Resource Server (which is the source of Resource Owner's data) for relevant data.

Samples based on Google Authorization Server.

Authorization Request -

Authorization Code Response -


Exchange Request for Access Token -
    POST /token HTTP/1.1
        Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Sample Token Response -

"access_token": "1/fFAGRNJru1FTz70BzhT3Zg",
"expires_in": 3920,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"scope": "",
"refresh_token": "1//xEoDL4iW3cxlI7yDbSRFYNG01kVKM2C-259HOF2aQbI"

Sample Request to Resource Server (Google Drive in this case) -
      GET /drive/v2/files HTTP/1.1
        Authorization: Bearer access_token

Detailed integration steps for a range of programming languages here -

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