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Monday, May 04, 2020

Python Examples - ListComprehensions, zip and Enumeration

List Comprehensions:

1. Find students scored more than 60 using
scores = {
             "Rick Sanchez": 70,
             "Morty Smith": 35,
             "Summer Smith": 82,
             "Jerry Smith": 23,
             "Beth Smith": 98

passed = [name for name, score in scores.items() if score >= 60]

2. Print multiples of 3
multiples_3 = [x * 3 for x in range(1, 21)]


1. Merge below lists to print in the format - F:23,677,4

x_coord = [23, 53, 2, -12, 95, 103, 14, -5]
y_coord = [677, 233, 405, 433, 905, 376, 432, 445]
z_coord = [4, 16, -6, -42, 3, -6, 23, -1]
labels = ["F", "J", "A", "Q", "Y", "B", "W", "X"]

points = []
for point in zip(labels, x_coord, y_coord, z_coord):
    points.append("{}: {}, {}, {}".format(*point))

for point in points:
2. Zip lists to dictionary

cast_names = ["Barney", "Robin", "Ted", "Lily", "Marshall"]
cast_heights = [72, 68, 72, 66, 76]

cast = dict(zip(cast_names, cast_heights))


cast = ["Barney Stinson", "Robin Scherbatsky", "Ted Mosby", "Lily Aldrin", "Marshall Eriksen"]
heights = [72, 68, 72, 66, 76]

for i, character in enumerate(cast):
    cast[i] = character + " " + str(heights[i])



1. Count Fruits

result = 0
basket_items = {'apples': 4, 'oranges': 19, 'kites': 3, 'sandwiches': 8}
fruits = ['apples', 'oranges', 'pears', 'peaches', 'grapes', 'bananas']

for object, count in basket_items.items():
   if object in fruits:
       result += count

print("There are {} fruits in the basket.".format(result))

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